2017年4月16日 星期日

20170414 TACE BEAD and SAH A com aneurysm

  • HCC for TACE
  • 79 y/o male with multiple hepatoma
  • DC bead( 70-150um 1 vial/300-500um 1 vial) plus (50mg Epirubicin in 2ml distilled water for 1 vial, total 100 mg Epirubicin
  • J curve and microcatheter

1. Celiac angiography
2. Pre TACE CT
3. Post TACE w/o contrast
4. Post TACE with contrast

  • Diffuse SAH
  • 50 y/o male
  • Bilateral ICA and left VA angiography
  • H1 catheter
  • SPIN 都是3ml/18ml(delay 1秒,總共打六秒,如果放比較高就delay 0.5秒),看到有疑似動脈瘤改用biplane做一組(ICA 5ml/8ml),用SPIN 轉出好的角度做Bi-plane。 
  • Due to wide neck and the aneurysm in trifurcation, coil embolization is not favored for this patient.
  • 描述Aneurysm: location, size, morphology(lobulated), projection(anterior, superior), neck(wide), rupture?
  • 解釋(家屬可能不知道Acom在哪裡): 眼球後方

