2021年7月23日 星期五

20210723 AVM s/p Onyx18

  •  AVM s/p Onyx18
    • LICA anterior temporal artery AVM, draining via emissary vein then pterygoid plexus and vein of Labb'e causing left transverse sinus hypertension.
    • Neuron088 80mm to distal ICA, Navien058 to T zone, then Marathon to feeding artery
    • 使用Flow direct technique或用micro帶進去,wire進去推catheter,如果不動就稍微把wire收回來一點點,就會慢慢進去了
    • DMSO打越慢越好,Onyx 0.16ml/min
    • Apollo分為 1.5cm 3cm detachable

